Poor jokes that could hurt

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It was a post lunch session. We were on a walk around the corridor around our office. That is where we get to know many things about the team, organization and the country. Isn’t it? That day the topic was about a forest that lies in the Tamilnadu border. This colleague of mine is a non-tamilian (I am taking atmost care not to tell which state he belongs to) and he was telling that he could see a lot of elephants in that forest. Suddenly to everyone’s surprise he cracked a poor joke, saying “The elephants which are there are not tamil elephants, but they are black though” and he started laughing. Nobody else talked for a minute. I remained calm too. I din show emotions of offence. I took a while to settle down myself and then went to him and said, “Man, you shouldn’t have told that, that is an offence and please don’t repeat such things” But he never cared, he started arguing that he was right and he continued to remain stubborn in his stand, the worst thing he tried to convince me to take in a sporting spirit and kept telling it was just a joke.

I ve always felt, rather than reacting immediately it is good to remain calm and let the offenders know about the issue when  they are in good mood. (Learnt from my mom’s school of human relationships) But when we tell them about it and if they don’t care what to do? As a professional one should take minimal care not to hurt the sentiments of any other human being. To a certain extent I believe words flow faster than our brain could think and we end up with words that would hurt. But then what is wrong in apologizing? At least when someone comes and tells that he is hurt?

Emotions are always subtle. You never know when and how you are playing with it. But shouldn’t we  apply some sense? One of my friends was looking for a transfer from Pune. Amidst all her marriage preparations she found it really hard to get it going. Her supervisor was simply dragging it for no reasons. Once he played a game that if she could tell which god the statue on his table represents then he would initiate a transfer otherwise she would be denied. What non-sense? Is your sub-ordinate a playing toy or what? How one could completely ignore the feelings of the person on the other side. 

The other day when we had gone for an official tour with all my team members, I was casually roaming around the riverside like every other tamilian I was wearing a lungie. All those who passed me started making fun of it at my face or gave a cheap look. I never thought wearing a lungie is such a sin. That has always been a casual wear for most of the tamilians. What worries me more is that even the people I admire the most end up doing such silly things.

There are people even in this corporate world who talk about the community; there are people, who talk rubbish about a particular race, There are people who talk non-sense about women at their absence and there are people who are always there to stab you at your back. They never seem to realize, all could one day or the other turn out to be offences for some or the other. As a human being we do commit mistakes and should we not try to reduce such mistakes for one’s self than for anybody else? If not we could be professionals in behavior, let us be human beings at the least!

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